Branding Strategy Important Purpose – Marketing Practice

Source: DHgate, Tag: E-Commerce Tips

Branding is the process of presenting a strong and pragmatic perception of a business or product. Creating an innovative branding strategy is necessary to help elevate your product.

In the growing age of technology, the e-commerce industry has expanded exponentially. DHgate is an online wholesale marketplace that sells products. Products are available at reasonable and discounted rates, which is why it attracts many customers. It is a versatile website that offers both business-to-business and business-to-consumer interaction. One of the reasons contributing to the success of DHgate is its exquisite branding strategy.
To become a successful business having a sturdy branding strategy is extremely important. Branding strategy is the layout of the measures taken to build a brand identity. The target audience is the consumers of the product, to whom the product aims to impress.

Elements of a successful branding strategy
Brand Vision
Having a clear brand vision is essential when creating a branding strategy.The purpose of a brand vision is to navigate the brand toward success. Brand visions are usually inspiring, sentence-long statements that outline the long-term goal in the direction in which your brand is working. A decent brand vision motivates all members to work hard and allows them to dream big. It helps you get clarity on where the brand is heading. Having clarity helps in making meaningful decisions along the way.
Brand Purpose
Brand Purpose is an important aspect that enhances your branding strategy. Your brand purpose should be appealing to your audience or consumers. It should contain a purpose statement that explains why your brand exists. The purpose statement should stress what products or services your brand aims to provide. In addition to this, it should also include how your product benefits society. An inspiring brand purpose motivates employees to work hard, creating a healthy work environment.
Brand Values
Brand values are the principles that guide a company on how to operate. These values define how a company achieves its goals and conducts business. A brand's core values are the driving force of the organization. Core values are the brand's image; therefore, the company should integrate them with its customers and employees. Incorporating the brand's core values into the business is essential to establish a successful branding strategy.
Brand Identity
An effective branding strategy requires developing a solid brand identity. The concept of having a strong brand identity is to create a lasting impression on customers. One of the ways to build brand identity is to have an appealing logo. The logo should be bright and unique so that by-passers remember it easily. Another method to strengthen brand identity is by having a cute tagline. Taglines are usually short phrases that tell the brand's story while leaving an everlasting impression on potential customers. Advertisements are an effective method of developing brand identity. Including anecdotes while narrating the story behind the brand is a way to boost your advertisement and attract customers.
Communicationis a critical element to be paid attention to while creating a branding strategy. Healthy communications between employees are vital to creating a healthy working environment. A healthy working environment ensures smooth operation within the company and is one of the pinnacles of success. Communicating with customers is extremely necessary while presenting the brand's image.
Employees should always look into customers' questions and problems immediately. Doing this helps create a healthy relationship with the consumers of the product, leading to more significant sales.

Types of Branding
Different types of businesses exist, and there are other ways of marketing branding strategiesaccordingly. Listed below are different types of Branding.
Corporate Branding
The focus of Corporate Branding is on creating a reputation in the corporate world. It refers to a company's image and identity presented to customers. A company's Branding includes its core values and its general message. To strengthen a company's corporate branding strategy, companies should focus on creating a strong customer bond. One way to do this is by offering discount packages and loyalty bonuses. An example of successful corporate Branding is Mastercard. One of the reasons for its enormous success is its numerous packages tailored to customers' needs.
Product Branding
Product Branding is developing a marketing branding strategy focused on selling a product. Smart advertisement is necessary while branding a product. Gathering prior information about the target audience is an essential tool used to assist in creating a good branding strategy. An example is McDonald's advertising Happy Meals to kids by adding a toy to the package. Another way to enhance the strategy is by using an attractive logo or tagline to sell products. Nike's "Just Do It" tagline and unique logo are well-known worldwide.
Personal Branding
The Branding of an individual is known as personal Branding. It is significant for individuals who want to maintain a positive public image. Celebrities, content creators, digital marketers, and politicians are examples of personnel who could benefit from personal Branding. There are many ways in which an individual can advertise themselves. In today's world, social media is one platform where people can reach out to others. Individuals can reach out to their target audience and interact with them directly. Some people hire PR teams to help them advertise themselves. Many YouTube creators and models have gained fame through personal Branding on social media.
Geographical Branding
Geographical Branding is a branding strategy involving the Branding of tourist attractions. It focuses on the unique traits of specific regions and highlights them as the unique selling points of the area. Area maintenance is also crucial, as the tourists have to be taken care of, along with the destination. Decorating the tourist destination and making it look livelier is one way to attract more tourists. Another way to establish a brand name is through local and international advertising. In geographical Branding, maintaining a good relationship with the target audience is necessary as their demands are to be met throughout their stay at the destination.
The collective branding strategy,when two or more brands get together to brand a product, is called co-branding. In a strategic alliance, each brand contributes its own identity to create a blended brand or partnership with unique logos and other brand identifiers. Co-branding is a strategy that combines market strength, brand awareness, and revenues to compel customers from both brands to buy their products. Co-branding can be done for a specific product, like popular fast-food brands releasing limited-edition items in collaboration with celebrities. It can also be a merger between two companies. An example is a merger between Heinz and Kraft to create the Heinz-Kraft company.
Service Branding
The main purpose of service branding is to create a branding strategy where customers are the company's primary focus. The brand should focus on providing the customer with flawless services. The main selling point of service branding is customer service, so the brand should focus on this factor. There are multiple ways to build a strong relationship with customers. People choose brands that are reputed and have reasonable pricing. Offering bonuses and loyalty incentives is one way of creating a strong relationship with customers—examples of brands with a successful branding strategy. Emirates, one of the leading airlines in the world, is an exemplary sample for upcoming brands on how to create a marketing business strategy.
Conscious Branding
Conscious Branding, also known as activist Branding, is the type of branding strategy adapted to make a positive social impact. It consists of efforts to promote social, economic, political, or environmental reforms to change society. Strong brand values and purpose are important to lay a successful foundation for conscious Branding. Gaining society's trust is essential for this branding strategy to succeed. Some examples of successful conscious Branding is the Black Lives Matter movement. This movement rallied people towards a single cause and created a global change.

Importance of branding strategy
A strong brand strategy helps you build a strong brand. It enables you to focus on your goals and sets a benchmark to measure progress. Below are listed the advantages of having a strong branding strategy.

  1. Having an effective branding strategy helps you organize and communicate your core values. It is necessary to understand your brand and its values to attract customers.

  2. Employees' lifestyles should inculcate the brand values, which help communicate them to customers. Customers will only become loyal if they are aware of your brand values.

  3. A stable and complete branding strategy filters out ideas that would potentially harm the building of your brand. While forming your brand's branding strategy, you collect ideas and filter them out. The remaining ideas are what you build your brand. Having a clear branding strategy makes it easier to make tough decisions while establishing your brand. Before launching a new product, you would know the customer's demands and construct the product accordingly. Alternative plans would always be accessible in case one plan fails. In such scenarios, you can always start again from the previous checkpoint instead of all over again.

  4. Creating a brand strategy helps you identify weaknesses within the brand along the way. While building the brand, you would try turning those weaknesses into strengths to stabilize your brand. You would also try avoiding the spotlight from those weak zones so that customers and other brands do not attack them. A brand must be flawless to attract customers. Building trust and loyalty with customers is the primary focus of your branding strategy, and meeting their expectations is essential.

  5. It is necessary to have a goal-oriented marketing branding strategy, to remain focused on your marketing efforts,

  6. It allows your brand to stay on track and ensures smoother execution of marketing campaigns. There is a difference between knowing your brand purpose and being able to execute it. It is essential to bridge this gap and have a strong branding strategy.

  7. A branding strategy is significant for the organization of a company. It contains all the plans an owner arranges and carries out according to the order. A clear branding strategy helps organize your goals accordingly, ensuring all work is done in the correct order and reducing the possibility of any mishaps occurring. It is necessary to start with a clear branding strategy to ensure your company's smooth operation.

  8. A simple yet effective branding strategy is crucial to attracting potential investors. Investors look for brands that know what they are doing and have set long-term goals towards which they are working. They would not invest their money into some brand all over the place, as they know they will not profit this way. Attracting investors is vital for the company's growth, as more funding will help accelerate the branding strategy and help stabilize the business.

  9. Coming up with a good branding strategy is important for all businesses, especially startups. Branding, if done right, helps create a place in the market for small businesses and helps them develop as a business. However, once you have entered the market, update your branding strategies constantly to the market's requirements. In addition to this, businesses are always competing with upcoming and already existing corporations. So, to win the competition, the branding strategy has to be constantly updated to help the brand become the best in the market.


    • What is the role of branding?

Branding is a marketing practice that helps a brand convey its message to the audience by portraying its logo, taglines, and mission statements. Branding helps in product marketing and ensures it reaches the target audience. It also helps in establishing a good relationship with the audience, who can eventually become loyal and long-term customers.

    • What makes a brand successful?

Establishing a good relationship with the target audience by portraying your brand values and purpose makes a brand successful. It is vital to get the message across and act upon it.

    • What are the types of branding?

Many types of branding exist because each product is not the same and needs different branding strategies. The different types of branding include corporate branding, product branding, personal branding, service branding, geographical branding, and conscious branding.

    • What are the features of branding?

The features of branding include choosing a suitable name, designing an attractive logo, and choosing a catchy tagline. All these features have to exhibit the best brand qualities to market it and attract the audience. However, customers often overlook boring features of a brand, which is why having attractive features is necessary.

    • What are the essentials of branding?

The essentials of branding are consistency, community, and content. A brand should be consistent in maintaining its high standards. They should establish a strong and healthy connection with their customers. A brand’s content is why people are attracted to them. So, the content should be informative and unique to attract customers.
Branding strategy is the foundation block of every start-up. It is very important to have a well-built and thorough branding strategy for your business to succeed. It helps organize tasks and roles while driving you toward long-term goals. Good marketing strategies attract investors who help boost your brand. Your branding strategy should include the brand's purpose, core values, and ways of marketing that would attract customers and investors alike. However, the niche of the market is to be kept in mind, as different kinds of brands have different marketing branding strategies. Therefore, the techniques mentioned above create a strong branding strategy to achieve success.