Stability Ball Exercises Guide | How To Use A Stability Ball

Source: DHgate, Tag: Outdoor Sports

Experts advise that it is more beneficial to do your exercise on the Swiss ball than on a flat surface. Find out more about how to use a stability ball for different purposes.

Using a stability ball is a bold step that will take your workouts to the next level. This magical exercise aid helps to keep you on your toes by engaging all your core muscles when you are doing your sets.
Experts advise that it is more beneficial to do your exercise on the Swiss ball than on a flat surface. But you have to use the ball in the right way to get optimum benefits and realize the long-term outcomes. Find out more about how to use a stability ball for different purposes.

Correct Use of The Exercise Ball
Correct use of the exercise ball ensures that your workouts are productive because you get the dynamics right. First of all, you need to choose a gym ball that is the right size for you.
These balls come in sizes that are commonly indicated by the diameter. The size you choose should correspond to your height. If you are between 5’1” and 5’7”, a 55cm ball will suit you. A 65 cm ball works fine if your height is between 5’1” and 5’7”. For taller people, a 75cm ball will yield the best outcomes.
For beginners, it is advisable to use a partially inflated ball. The exercises become more difficult when the ball is fully inflated. When you buy a deflated ball, pump in the air until the point where it still has some give when you apply your weight on it. As you get better with the exercises, you can switch to a firmer ball.
Find A Safe Space To Use The Ball
You might be using the stability ball at the gym or at home. Wherever you decide to use it, ensure that it is a safe place to roll. The bigger the space the better. You need the freedom to wander on the ball because you might not have enough grip on it at the beginning. Get rid of any objects that might interfere with your workouts or those that can cause injury.
The Right Posture On a Stability Ball
When you are sitting on the gym ball, make sure to place your feet flat on the floor and your knees should be bent at 90 degrees. Your back should be straight to correctly distribute your weight and establish a centre of gravity. Try to balance in this position by adjusting your joints but trying as much as possible not to be skewed. With time, you will be able to support your weight in this position and this is the beginning of the journey towards achieving muscle strength and joint stability.
The Exercises to Perform on a Stability Ball
Here are the exercises that you can perform using a stability ball:
Slightly Bounce On The Ball
One of the beginner exercises you can do on the ball is slightly bouncing off it. This helps to strengthen your core muscles and stabilizes most of your joints. Subtly bounce off about 1 inch to keep most of your muscles active. This will also bolster your proprioception which is the positional sense of the body.

    • Sit-ups on the stability ball are more effective because you get an all-around workout session. To get to the right position, sit on the ball with your knees at the right angles.

    • Maintaining your feet flat on the ground, walk them out and lower your upper body until the ball is resting between your buttocks and your lower back.

    • Wrap your hands behind your head and start crunching up as you exhale. Make sure not to pull your head forward during the drill because you want to build endurance in your core muscles.

Repeat the motions to achieve effectiveness. At first, you might have trouble balancing on the ball but you can rest your feet on the wall and work out.
Ball Lifting
To do this exercise, you need to first lie flat on the floor with the stability ball between your feet and your hands behind your head.

    • Using your core muscles, press the ball between your feet and lift it while keeping your legs straightened out. Go all the way until your legs are at 90 degrees to the floor.

    • Lower your legs with the ball between your feet and stop just before you touch the floor.

Repeat these movements to complete a set. You can do modifications to the ball lifting by involving the hands where you raise the ball and then pick it up with your hands and lower your legs while holding the ball. This way, you get to work even the upper limb muscles.
Stability Ball Wall Squats
This exercise will help you to strengthen your lower limb muscles including the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps femoris. It also helps to work your hip joints and core muscles.

    • To start, place the ball between your back and the wall. Lean back slightly so that your feet are in front of the rest of the body.

    • Roll your back on the ball while bending your knees until your thighs are horizontal to the floor. Take a brief pause and straighten your legs to go back to the starting position.

Hamstring Curls
The hamstring curls will help you strengthen your hamstring muscles which are important in movement as well as kicking. This manoeuvre also helps in strengthening your glutes and body core muscles.

    • Lie flat on the floor with your feet on the stability ball and your legs straight out.

    • Bend your knees and roll the ball towards your buttocks with your feet while lifting your hips off the floor. Drag the ball until your knees form right angles then return to the starting position.

Forearm Plank
This is another move that strengthens your core as well as your biceps and leg muscles.

    • Rest your forearms and elbows on the ball with the legs extended so that your body is straight and your lower body rests on your toes.

    • Maintain this position for as long as you can, preferably between 45 seconds to one minute then pause briefly and repeat.

Using The Stability Ball With Dumbbells
Stability balls are versatile and you can modify your workouts in different ways to achieve desired outcomes.
To put emphasis on your chest muscles, you can perform the chest press:

    • Sit on the ball with your feet flat on the ground with dumbbells in your hands. Walk out your feet until the ball rests under your upper back and head.

    • Lift your hips, bend your knees and then lift the dumbbells with your palms facing forward.

To perform the dumbbell wide row, lie on the stability ball in the prone position and keep the ball between your abdomen and pelvis.

    • Keep your body straight and hold the dumbbells in both hands then slightly lift your chest and head.

    • Lift the weights while squeezing your shoulder blades together then engage your back muscles as your lower the dumbbells.

A stability ball is an important tool for anyone who desires to have a nice and enjoyable workout. Be creative with it and add spice to your exercise sessions to achieve better results. Make sure you buy the exercise ball that is best for you. If you have any health conditions such as chronic back pain, it is prudent to use the tool in consultation with a professional health provider.

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